Citrix Provisioning Services vs Machine Creation Services 2014 revision

- Install PVS Server, untick launching Provisioning Services Wizard
- Install PVS Console
- Run PVS Wizard

Farm Properties > Groups tab to add AD groups
Farm Properties > Options - Enable offline database support
Site Properties > Security to add those groups

Once the server is set up, go to DHCP server and add 2 scope options 66 & 67 - Boot Server Host Name (<servername>) and Bootfile Name (<ARDBP32.BIN>)

Private or Standard mode vDisk
- Create bootable media with PVS Boot Device Manager (optional)
- Install target device software
- Create a vDisk with the Imaging Wizard (option to go MCS > PVS)
- Provision desktops with Private mode vDisks

Target Device installation
- Mount PVS DVD
- Choose Target Device Installation
- Do not launch Imaging Wizard yet
- Reboot
- Change boot order of the VM will need to be set to boot from network
- Run PVS Device Optimisation Tool (can be run as a part of Imaging Wizard)
- Run Imaging Wizard
- Shut down source VM
- Create new VM, no disks, set to boot from network, make note of its MAC address
- in PVS Console Farm > Sites > PVS_Site > Device Collections > PVS_Collection > create new device enter MAC address and select disk as vDisk, on vDisk add the one you created earlier
- Right-click on new Device Active Directory > Create machine account ... 
- Start VM

Auto creation of machines
- Shutdown a VM
- Convert to template
- Run XenDesktop Setup Wizard... (or Streamed VM Setup Wizard...) 
Make sure template is on Shared storage otherwise you get Error(Resources has no available templates defined that are fully
accessible by all hosts.)

Deploy virtual desktops to VMs using the XenDesktop Setup Wizard
To enable or disable maintenance mode
Citrix XenDesktop 7.5, Provisioning Services 7.1 and the XenDesktop Setup Wizard with Write Cache and Personal vDisk Drives 

Power Management
Change server load management policy settings
Set up the restart schedule for a Server OS machine Delivery Group
Power manage Desktop OS machines

Managing vDisk Updates
Updating vDisks
How to Create a Designated Update Virtual Machine and Add a Host Connection to vDisk Update Management
Basic Guide To vDisk Update Management >> NetSCaler ADC > Virtual Appliances NetScaler VPX Express default l/p: nsroot

log on to console
type shell
type lmutil lhostid -ether (this will show host ID i.e. MAC address)
import license VPX VM

NSIP - NetScaler IP (management IP)
SNIP -  Subnet IP - communicate with servers on different network
MIP - Mapped IP address (on the same subnet, internal network)
VIP - Virtual IP