PowerShell special characters
 Special Character   Meaning 
 "   The beginning (or end) of quoted text
 #   The beginning of a comment 
 $   The beginning of a variable
 &   Reserved for future use
 ( )   Parentheses used for subexpressions 
 ;   Statement separator
 { }   Script block
 |   Pipeline separator
 `   Escape character
 --%   Escape command invocation

To escape the whole command invocation, use the verbatim
argument marker (--%) to prevent PowerShell from interpreting any of the remaining
characters on the line. You can place this marker anywhere in the command's arguments,
letting you benefit from PowerShell constructs where appropriate.
$env:host = "myhost"
ping --% %myhost%

Escape Sequences ( ` backtick )
 Special Character   Meaning 
`0    The null character. Often used as a record separator
`a   The alarm character. Generates a beep when displayed on the console 
`b   The backspace character. The previous character remains in
 the string but is overwritten when displayed on the console
`f  A form feed. Creates a page break when printed on most printers
`n  New line  
`r  A carriage return. Newlines in PowerShell are indicated entirely by
 the `n character, so this is rarely required
`t   Tab
`v  Vertical tab
' ' (2 single quotes)   A single quote, when in a literal string 
" " (2 double quotes)  A double quote, when in an expanding string 
`any other char  That character, taken literally

if, elseif, and else conditional statements - If condition evaluates to $true, PowerShell executes the statement block you provide.
if (condition) { statement block }
elseif (condition) { statement block }
else { statement block }

PowerShell Shortcut Keys
PowerShell ISE Snippets to Remember Syntax (Ctrl+J)

PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Create Two Column Output
Use the Format-Wide cmdlet, and then use the –Column parameter to specify a number of columns, for example:
Get-Process | Format-Wide name -Column 2

Like vs Contain comparison
When exploring the operators available in PowerShell (help about_comparison_operators), they'll often run across two similar-seeming, but drastically different, operators - and get confused by them.
if ($string -contains '*win*') { }
They're trying to see if $string contains the letters "win," but unfortunately that's not what -contains does. What they really want to use is the -like operator:
if ($string -like '*win*') { }
I know it doesn't read as nicely when you say it out loud.  But -like is the correct operator for this task.

The -contains operator is a bit trickier. It's designed to tell you if a collection of objects includes ('contains') a particular object. Now, if your collection of object is a bunch of strings, this is pretty straightforward.
$coll = "one','two','three','four'
if ($coll -contains 'one') { }
Source: PowerShell -contains -like

Clip.exe - Utility to copy result of any command to the Windows clipboard
Example: ls | clip or from cmd dir | clip

Comparison Operators
 Operator   Meaning 
-eq   Equality operator: $leftValue -eq $rightValue. For all primitive types, returns $true if $leftValue and $rightValue are equal.
 When used with arrays, returns all elements in $leftValue that are equal to $rightValue.
 When used with any other type, PowerShell uses that type’s Equals() method if it implements one.
-ne  Negated equality operator: $leftValue -ne $rightValue. For all primitive types, returns $true if$leftValue and $rightValue are not equal.
 When used with arrays, returns all elements in $leftValue that are not equal to$rightValue.
 When used with any other type, PowerShell returns the negation of that type’s Equals() method if it implements one.
-ge  Greater-than-or-equal operator: $leftValue -ge $rightValue For all primitive types, returns $true if $leftValue is greater than or equal to   $rightValue. When used with arrays, returns all elements in $leftValue that are greater than or equal to $right
 Value. When used with any other type, PowerShell returns the result of that object’s Compare() method if it
 implements one. If the method returns a number greater than or equal to zero, the operator returns $true.
-gt  Greater-than operator: $leftValue -gt $rightValue For all primitive types, returns $true if $leftValue is greater than $rightValue.
 When used with arrays, returns all elements in $leftValue that are greater than $rightValue.
 When used with any other type, PowerShell returns the result of that object’s Compare() method if it
 implements one. If the method returns a number greater than zero, the operator returns $true.
-in  $value -in $list. Returns $true if the value $value is contained in the list $list. That is, if $item -eq $value returns
 $true for at least one item in the list. This is equivalent to the -contains operator with the operands reversed.
-notin  Returns $true when the -in operator would return $false.
-lt  The less-than operator: $leftValue -lt $rightValue
 For all primitive types, returns $true if $leftValue is less than $rightValue.
 When used with arrays, returns all elements in $leftValue that are less than $rightValue.
 When used with any other type, PowerShell returns the result of that object’s Compare() method if it
 implements one. If the method returns a number less than zero, the operator returns $true.
-le  Less-than-or-equal operator: $leftValue -le $rightValue
 For all primitive types, returns $true if $leftValue is less than or equal to$rightValue.
 When used with arrays, returns all elements in $leftValue that are less than or equal to $rightValue.
 When used with any other type, PowerShell returns the result of that object’s Compare() method if it
 implements one. If the method returns a number less than or equal to zero, the operator returns $true.
-like  $leftValue -like Pattern. Evaluates the pattern against the target, returning $true if the simple match is successful.
 When used with arrays, returns all elements in $leftValue that match Pattern.
 The -like operator supports the following simple wildcard characters:
 ? - Any single unspecified character
 * - Zero or more unspecified characters
 [a-b] - Any character in the range of a–b
 [ab] - The specified characters a or b
 For example: PS > "Test" -like "[A-Z]e?[tr]" returns True
-notlike  Returns $true when the -like operator would return $false.
-match  "Target" -match Regular Expression. Evaluates the regular expression against the target, returning $true if the match is successful. Once   complete, PowerShell places the successful matches in the $matches variable. When used with arrays, returns all elements in Target that   match Regular Expression. The $matches variable is a hashtable that maps the individual matches to the text they match. 0 is the
 entire text of the match, 1 and on contain the text from any unnamed captures in the regular expression, and
 string values contain the text from any named captures in the regular expression. For example:
 PS > "Hello World" -match "(.*) (.*)"
 PS > $matches[1]
-notmatch  Returns $true when the -match operator would return $false.
 The -notmatch operator still populates the $matches variable with the results of match.
-contains  $list -contains $value. Returns $true if the list specified by $list contains the value $value—that is, if $item -eq
 $value returns $true for at least one item in the list.
  -notcontains    Returns $true when the -contains operator would return $false.
-is  The type operator: $leftValue -is [type]. Returns $true if $value is (or extends) the specified .NET type
-isnot  Returns $true when the -is operator would return $false.
