param( $hostIP="<hostIP>", #$esxusr="root", #$esxpwd="pwd", $vibfile="NVIDIA.vib", $localpath="\\server\folder\NVIDIA" ) $remotefolder = "Nvidia" #import PowerCLI cmdlets - load whole stack Get-Module -ListAvailable VM* | Import-Module if ((Get-Module | Where {$_.Name -eq "VMware.VimAutomation.Core"}) -eq $null) { Write-Output "Importing VMware.VimAutomation.Core Module ..." Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core} # ask for credentials $cred = Get-Credential -Message ("Please enter credentials for ESXi host " + $hostIP) # connect to ESXi host Write-Output "Connecting to ESXi host" $($hostIP) Connect-VIServer $hostIP -Credential $cred -Force # get SI datastore details $esxstore = Get-Datastore SI* # create folder if doesn't exist already Write-Output ("Check "+$remotefolder+" exists / create folder if not") Write-Output ("Remote path = vmstore:\"+$esxstore.Datacenter+"\"+$esxstore.Name+"\"+$remotefolder) if ( -not (Test-Path -Path ("vmstore:\"+$esxstore.Datacenter+"\"+$esxstore.Name+"\"+$remotefolder))) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path ("vmstore:\"+$esxstore.Datacenter+"\"+$esxstore.Name+"\"+$remotefolder) } # check if vib file exists and if not copy across Write-Output ("Check if "+$vibfile+" is present in "+($esxstore.Name)+" datastore / copy file if not") #Write-Output ("vmstore:\"+$esxstore.Datacenter+"\"+$esxstore.Name+"\"+$remotefolder+"\"+$vibfile) if ( -not (Test-Path -Path ("vmstore:\"+$esxstore.Datacenter+"\"+$esxstore.Name+"\"+$remotefolder+"\"+$vibfile))) { Copy-DatastoreItem ($localpath+"\"+$vibfile) ("vmstore:\"+$esxstore.Datacenter+"\"+$esxstore.Name+"\"+$remotefolder) } # disconnect from ESXi host Write-Output "All Done. Disconnecting from ESXi host ..." Disconnect-VIServer -Server $hostIP -Force -Confirm:$false