Add Server for NFS Feature
Add-WindowsFeature "FS-NFS-Service"

Check it worked
Get-Command -Module NFS

Create NFS Share and set permissions
New-NfsShare -Name "NFS_MOUNT" -Path "E:\NFS_MOUNT" -AllowRootAccess $true -Permission Readwrite -Authentication all

Add NFS Share to vSphere using PowerCLI
$VMHOST = "" # VMware vSphere host where to create the datastore

$NFSDatastore = "FILESERVER01-NFS_MOUNT" # name that you want to give 
$NFSServer = "FILESERVER01.fx.lab" # ip of fqdn of the NFS Server
$NFSSharename = "NFS_MOUNT" # Share created on the NFS Server

New-Datastore -Nfs -VMHost $VMHOST -Name $NFSDatastore -NfsHost $NFSServer -path $NFSSharename

Source: NFS Server - Configure NFS for VMware vSphere Home Lab