Dockerfile on Windows
Optimize Windows Dockerfiles
Manual creation of custom docker image
Automated way
Go to Docker Hub Registry and create account, then tag images with your account
Working with Container Volumes
Manage data in containers
Persistent Docker volumes with Azure File Storage
Limit a container's resources
Resource management in Docker
Container Networking
Windows Container Networking
Virtualization Blog - Windows Container Networking
A Brief Primer on Docker Networking Rules: EXPOSE, -p, -P, --link
Create Transparent Network
Deploying a Multi-container Application on Azure
Manage a Docker private registry as a first-class Azure resource
Azure Container Service
Overview of Docker Compose - tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications
Install Docker Compose
Deploy Multi Container App Demo
mikepfeiffer/movieapp - Dockerized Mulli-Container App with IIS and SQL
Downloading Git Client for Windows
1. create Azure Account
2. resource group Docker
3. Deploy VM 2016 Datacenter with Docker
4. RDP
6. In Azure - Go to Container Host-nsg Network Security Group, Inbound security rules and add http rule
7. stop app
Additional Resources:
Windows Containers on Windows Server
Windows Container Samples
Optimize Windows Dockerfiles
Manual creation of custom docker image
Automated way
Go to Docker Hub Registry and create account, then tag images with your account
Working with Container Volumes
Manage data in containers
Persistent Docker volumes with Azure File Storage
Limit a container's resources
Resource management in Docker
Container Networking
Windows Container Networking
Virtualization Blog - Windows Container Networking
A Brief Primer on Docker Networking Rules: EXPOSE, -p, -P, --link
Create Transparent Network
Deploying a Multi-container Application on Azure
Manage a Docker private registry as a first-class Azure resource
Azure Container Service
Overview of Docker Compose - tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications
Install Docker Compose
Deploy Multi Container App Demo
mikepfeiffer/movieapp - Dockerized Mulli-Container App with IIS and SQL
Downloading Git Client for Windows
1. create Azure Account
2. resource group Docker
3. Deploy VM 2016 Datacenter with Docker
4. RDP
6. In Azure - Go to Container Host-nsg Network Security Group, Inbound security rules and add http rule
7. stop app
Additional Resources:
Windows Containers on Windows Server
Windows Container Samples